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How to Declutter Your Digital Life with the Professional Organizer in NYC


19-08-90000You know what it’s like – you come home after a long day at work, sit down on the couch, pull out your phone or tablet and you glance through Facebook, your email, a news site. Maybe you pop open your laptop to get some work done and you have three browser screens open, each one with several open tabs. Your digital life is just as cluttered as your real life!

This doesn’t have to be the case. Here are some tips from the Professional Organizer in NYC on how to declutter your digital life.

  • Create an easy system for managing all your passwords. Most people don’t think to change their passwords often. In fact, you might have the same password on all of your accounts for the last few years! Now is a great time to switch them up to prevent stolen user information. Make sure your passwords are not easy to guess – use upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You might even consider using one of the password sites like LastPass so that your passwords are readily accessible and very secure.
  • Get rid of photos and files you don’t need. Often we have pictures saved that are blurry or out of focus, or we took 5 or 6 of the same shot. These aren’t necessary, so delete them and free that space! Take a look at your files. Odds are you’ve saved some documents that you don’t need, perhaps appointment reminders or other type of notes that are no longer relevant. Delete what isn’t needed anymore and store everything else according to the file system you created. Don’t forget to take a look at your downloaded file, too! You’ve probably accumulated many files here that are saved elsewhere or no longer needed. Delete and move on!
  • Clean up your bookmarks. Bookmarking a website is a fantastic feature that comes in handy when we need to save information to easily find later. But after marking hundreds of pages, it becomes hard to sort through what has been saved and find what you truly needed. Your bookmark manager can become cluttered quickly! Start by creating bookmark files and sorting websites accordingly. Go through and delete those bookmarks that are no longer needed.
  • Close those extra tabs. This can be a hard one! When you are in the midst of a productive moment, you may open up several tabs to work on a single project. Then you move on to something else, but you don’t want to lose what you already have open, right? Then next time you open your browser you are hit head on with cluttered tabs. Thankfully, there are browser extensions created to deal with this problem. OneTab can convert all of your tabs into a list, then you can open them again all together or individually. The list remains saved until you delete. This not only reduces tab clutter, but frees up valuable computer space!
  • Clean up your social media accounts. Social media can be a lot of fun, but it can also take up a lot of your time. Go through your social media accounts and remove friends and followers that you aren’t interested in staying connected with. Facebook allows you to decide which friends you can see in your newsfeed, so it’s easy to declutter and simplify what you are viewing. You can organize your Pinterest boards alphabetically so that you can easily go back and find those recipes you saved to try later. And remember, you don’t have to read every comment, update, or post on every single social media site! Pick one or two that you enjoy, and ditch the rest.

Decluttering your digital life can be a relief! Take some time today and implement these tips from the Professional Organizer in NYC and start living a clutter free life!

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