NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

Getting Your Home Organized To Move

I have recently started working with an elderly client who will be downsizing and moving from a very large 2 bedroom apartment into a 1 bedroom apartment in the next couple of months.  As she has lived in her current home for over 60 years, the thought of moving is a very daunting one.  Not… Continue Reading »

Office Organizing Tips for the Desk

It can be a challenge to keep your desktop organized and clear of lots of extraneous stuff.  Keep in mind that lots of stuff cluttering up your desk can be very distracting; make it difficult to find stuff and a real drain on productivity. Here are some office organizing tips for the desk to help… Continue Reading »

Home Office: Paperwork Organizing

I was recently contacted by a woman who lives on the West Coast and was interested in purchasing a gift certificate for her father who lives in NYC.  He moved out of his business office and set up shop in a spare bedroom in his apartment 3 years ago.  As what was going to be… Continue Reading »

Selecting Storage Containers… A Home Organizing Challenge

While shopping for containers for a small space or a single shelf can be fun, outfitting a larger space with multiple cabinets and closets can be a daunting task.  I recently worked with a client who wanted me to purchase containers of varying sizes and styles for a studio apartment that she had renovated.  In… Continue Reading »

Home Office Organizing: Setting Up A Command Center

My NYC home office organizing client may not be a corporate CEO, but has as many responsibilities as one.  She manages the household, oversees the schedules and activities of her husband and 4 children, is pursuing additional training and runs her own small business. While she does have an office outside of her apartment, she… Continue Reading »

Organizing Your Pocketbook – Tips to Lighten the Load

I was recently talking to a client about all of the stuff she had in her pocketbook.  In an effort to minimize the number of bags that she carried around, she overloaded her pocketbook.  In theory this might make sense but in practicality it doesn’t.  As the amount of papers, calendars, glasses, etc. increases so… Continue Reading »