Four Back-to-School Organizing Tips
It’s the start of a new term, and that means a renewed focus on organizing for the school year. Learn from last year’s successes and mistakes. Give thought to creating a dedicated work space or organized home office type space for doing your school work so that you will have your best – and most organized – school year yet!
Check out these four easy tips for organizing for this school year and get on the road to a more successful semester, especially for those of you heading to high school or college, in no time:
- Utilize a Calendar – this can be in digital format, on your smart phone or tablet (if allowed in school), or an actual, bound calendar; whatever works best for you. Be sure to include a copy of your class schedule for easy reference and add important dates/reminders as they become available. Get ahead with your calendar and refer to it throughout the day!
- Create an easy-to-use work space – You don’t have to have a dedicated home office to become a successful student – all you need is a small corner with a desk, or even a lap desk, some storage space and an area to keep your school supplies. Be sure this space is in a comfortable, quiet area of your home and has all the essentials – notebooks, writing utensils, wall outlets (to plug in your electronics), etc. Make a habit out of using this organized home office space every day. Even if it’s just to catch up with your calendar on a light homework day.
- Stay clear of clutter – Actual clutter can be very distracting. Keeping your desk and backpack organized can mean the difference between success and failure. Remember that work sheet you slipped in between books for “easy reference?” By the time it resurfaced, you’d missed the deadline… Instead apply some school organizing tips like creating a small binder for each class, with lots of extra page protectors, and put important papers away for safe storage and truly easy reference. Check your bag and locker at the end of each day and file loose papers appropriately. Discard dried up pens, wrappers, and other trash to give yourself a fresh start each day. Keep that dedicated home office space organized!
- Make lists – This is where your smart phone or tablet can come in especially handy. Most have a simple list-making function, with reminders. Or, if you prefer a paper method, keep a running list of important tasks and to-dos. You can create multiple lists for weekly items and long-term ones. Be sure to check your lists throughout the day. After all, checking an item off your to-do list can be pretty rewarding!
These simple tips can help you get organized and stay motivated throughout this next school year. Take advantage of them and make this your most successful year yet!