It’s Time to Clear Digital Clutter
I’m a strong believer in clearing all types of clutter. Recently I’ve been focusing on digital clutter. I’ve explored why we ignore it as well as the benefits of clearing digital clutter. Now that it’s time to clear digital clutter, I wanted to help you by sharing some strategies for getting this task done. The ultimate goal is to save time and be able to quickly access information or files.
Look Beyond Your Computer Desktop
You may only be thinking of all those random document icons cluttering up your desktop and possibly your digital filing system. Ideally, you should also focus on that long list of favorites bookmarked in your browser. There is also your email inbox to assess. And, there are all those photos on your phone that aren’t worth keeping. Be sure to identify all those areas that are relevant and add them to your to do list.
Back Up Your Files
Before you start deleting files and re-organizing those that will be kept, be sure that your system is backed up. As it may take time to get all the clutter addressed, continuous backups during this process is a good idea. This way all that is important will be saved should there be any technical issues.
Do a Thorough Purge
This is the time to delete all those documents, pictures, and emails that you don’t need or want. And don’t forget to do the same with those apps on your phone that you no longer use. Be ruthless. Whether you’re sorting through word documents without file names or weeding through photos where you can’t identify the location or person, start purging and streamlining what you’re keeping.
Make Clearing Digital Clutter a Priority
The only way that you can be sure to complete this task is to make it a priority for the short term. That means setting a deadline for completing the job and then blocking time on your calendar. It’s more important to block frequent short chunks of time than marathon sessions. This way you’ll be consistently chipping away at the clutter.
Once you’ve taken time to clear digital clutter, schedule periodic maintenance time on a quarterly basis to keep the clutter from getting out of control. If you need a tip or two concerning how to get started, let’s talk.