NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

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Top Office Tech Tools for Disaster Preparedness

When you are faced with an emergency at work, having access to people, organizations, and necessary services can be vital. One great way to access these resources is through the various tech tools and apps you can use on your phone or tablet. Check out a couple of this Professional Organizer in NYC’s top picks. The FEMA app…. Continue Reading »

Professional Organizer in NYC Office Preparedness Tips

Unfortunately, this Professional Organizer in NYC cannot predict the future. Since we have no way of knowing when disaster may strike, we need to have a plan in place which includes a disaster preparedness plan for the office. When you are in the middle of a disaster, whether it’s a hurricane, a fire, or some kind of other… Continue Reading »

Reopening Your Business After a Disaster

  We all know that the easiest way to get through a disaster is to prepare for it in advance as best we can. This is especially true for your business. What we haven’t talked about is what happens after the disaster. What steps can your business take today to prepare for navigating the aftermath of a disaster?… Continue Reading »

Professional Organizer in NYC’s Favorite Disaster Supply Kit Tips

We’ve talked about several important aspects of disaster preparedness this month, including creating a home inventory, developing a plan to care for your family and your pets, and designing a plan for the office. As a Professional Organizer in NYC, I urge everyone to take steps today, when NOT faced with an emergency, to plan and prepare. It’s… Continue Reading »

10 Disaster Preparedness Tips That Are Often Overlooked

Is your home prepared in case a disaster strikes? We’ve talked this month about creating a home inventory and preparing an action plan for your family. Today, we are going to focus on simple home organizing tips that are often overlooked when preparing your home for unexpected disasters. The key to handling a disaster with the least amount… Continue Reading »

Creating a Disaster Preparedness Plan for Your Family & Pets

  September is National Preparedness Month, and a key focus for families around the country is to create a family plan in case of an emergency. Because it’s impossible to predict what might happen in any type of disaster, creating a plan to stay safe and communicate is of utmost importance. This Professional Organizer in NYC urges families… Continue Reading »