NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

Tools to Help You Manage Your Email

Managing your email certainly can be overwhelming, but there are several tools and applications that have been created to help. Ranging from free to a monthly subscription fee, these tools serve a variety of purposes. Here are a few tools recommended by the Professional Organizer in NYC: This application helps you manage your email… Continue Reading »

How to Achieve Inbox Zero with the Professional Organizer in NYC

  Have you heard of “Inbox Zero” before? It’s a term used to indicate clearing out your inbox until you have zero emails left. That means absolutely none – no unread emails, no already read emails that you’ve saved for later – zero! Sounds like a dream, right? Does such a thing actually exist? Of… Continue Reading »

Professional Organizer in NYC’s 5 Favorite Organizing Products from the NAPO Conference

  I have just returned from Los Angeles where I attended the 30th NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) Conference. One focus of the conference was shared during the opening keynote address by The Minimalists, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. As a result of a series of life events, they both decided to significantly… Continue Reading »

How to Declutter Your Digital Life with the Professional Organizer in NYC

  You know what it’s like – you come home after a long day at work, sit down on the couch, pull out your phone or tablet and you glance through Facebook, your email, a news site. Maybe you pop open your laptop to get some work done and you have three browser screens open,… Continue Reading »

How to Declutter Your Bookshelves

  Let’s talk about bookshelves. Overstuffed bookshelves can quickly become an eyesore, and we are often left a bit clueless on how to handle it. It can be hard to think about parting with our well-loved books, so often we ignore that subject altogether. After all, what if we want to read them again someday?… Continue Reading »