NYC Professional Office Organizer | Virtual Organizer

315 E 69th St, Ste 9D, New York, NY

  |  917.375.0631

My Favorites: Tips for Working From Home

Working from home is still very common and will continue to be a way of life well into next year. It comes with its own challenges like sharing your space with family members, the collection of additional clutter, and creating an effective workspace. As a NYC professional office organizer, I am frequently addressing these issues… Continue Reading »

Why is Working From Home Beneficial?

Before COVID-19, 1 in 10 Americans worked from home at least 1 day a week. That all changed with the lockdown. With rare exceptions, companies were forced to shut down sending their staff home to work. Even now, 5 months later, many companies have told their employees to continue working from home for now or… Continue Reading »

3 Working from Home Challenges

Based on many accounts, many of us won’t be returning to our offices in the near term.  Life has settled into a routine based around working from home. There are challenges with working this way especially when you have more than one person in a household doing this. We all need home office space where… Continue Reading »

How a NYC Professional Office Organizer Decluttered Her Own Files

Are you also using this forced time at home to tackle some of those projects that have long been on the back burner? I recently had the chance to cross one of these projects off my list. I have had cleaning out my home office files on my list for the longest time. As I… Continue Reading »

Getting Organized With Everyone Home

Getting organized under the best of circumstances can be challenging. When working from home with the rest of your family also home, it can be even more of an issue. There are some simple strategies that will go a long way to keeping your space organized that all members of your family can follow. Learning… Continue Reading »

Working from Home…Managing Work and Life

It has been over a month of everyone working from home and our former routines being put on pause. As I think of the routines that are now part of my daily life, I realize that my work/life balance is more in balance. As a NYC professional office organizer, I have always had a home… Continue Reading »